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About the Author

Meet Jessica Rodriguez,  a serial entrepreneur & Hip-Hop artist also known as JRABITT. The alias is a reflection of her passion for sharing valuable information, much like the weight of a diamond is measured in carats. Prior to her walk with Christ, her lyrics were always geared toward making money and inspiring girls to "get to the bag". As she began to grow within the faith, she realized she had it wrong all along.

Wealth is a biblical principle, which means if you want TRUE WEALTH, you have to do it God's way.

Instead of being "in your bag" it's time to get in your BIBLE!


This ministry is founded on the belief that the Bible holds the foundational principles for living a fulfilling and purpose-driven life. It teaches us how to be good individuals, better friends and neighbors, how to cultivate wealth and prosperity, and how to continuously improve ourselves to show up better in all aspects of our lives.


She's in Her BIBLE is dedicated to inspiring and empowering women to prioritize the teachings of the Bible in their daily lives. By turning to the Bible first, we can strive to glorify God in all that we do, becoming better friends, wives, partners, and daughters in the process.


Join us sis, it's time to get out "your bag" & in your BIBLE!

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